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You're invited to a Royal Wedding

Every wedding begins it's journey with an Invitation.

Our oohs and aahs declare our appreciation for how beautifully it has been designed and presented and almost always a smile will involuntarily rest upon our lips as we gaze at our invitation. It softly tugs at a chord in our own hearts as we remember or dream of what our future holds.

The wedding invitation of a lifetime, the most Royal wedding of all, however, is not so easily recognized nor is it so beautifully displayed.

It came from heaven, wrapped in a human body and sealed with the Blood of the Lamb. It was nailed on a cross and we never understood at first...

But now...the preparation of the bride has begun...and you're invited.

You are cordially invited to a wedding between

Yeshua Ha Mashiach - Jesus Christ

The Lamb of God

and the

New Jerusalem - the bride of Christ

Rev.19:6-9 Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb

Directions on how to get there

can be found in the following scriptures;

Matthew 22:2-14 and Matthew 25:1-13

What to wear:

Rev.19:8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in

fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the

righteous acts of the saints.

It is the Lord's fervent desire that you attend and He will do whatever it takes to help you make the trip.

Please make every effort to be there.


Come and join me as we open our Invitation together and do all we can to be ready...

From my heart to yours,




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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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