She lay there, in a pool of her own blood, knowledge of her shortcomings and the fear of failure rose up to choke her. Her enemies laughed aloud at their victory, their tongues flicking and spitting as they taunted her, using her wounds to keep her trapped in her own blood.
Then, suddenly, she became aware of the faint cries of her children and her husband as their tormentors closed in on them. Again and again, she heard the sound of blows as their attackers beat them…
NO! Leave them alone! She felt anger arise, stirring something within her.
She looked to the left and to the right and noticed that the bonds the enemy had so carefully weaved were not as strong as they first seemed to be. Surely she could break free? What could she do?
The continuing cries of her family and faint dragging sounds pressed in on her. What on earth were they doing to them? Where were they taking them?
A faint memory stirred within her. She thought she heard a whisper “Use the Sword, Use the Sword!”
The Sword! What was it about the Sword? Oh come on!
She shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts and remember. She felt hope stirring within her, it had something to do with the Sword!
Father! She cried out silently. Help me! What can I do? Show me the answer!

She looked again at her bonds. Something was written upon the fibre. She tried to lean sideways so that she could see it better. What was that? Turning her head this way and that, she finally managed to make out some of the words.
“I am alone, I am alone, I am alone…”
As she read the words, familiar feelings of despair rose up in her and immediately it seemed as if that particular bond began to tighten. What on earth! She wrestled against it, but to no avail.
She leaned forward and looked at another bond. What did this one say? Hmm…
“I can’t possibly trust again! I can’t possibly trust again! I can’t possibly trust again! It read on and on. Immediately her husband’s infidelity sprang to mind and with it her heart contracted painfully. The longer she thought about what had happened, the more overwhelming was the pain that she felt.
Again, she noticed the bond tightening more and more.
There was definitely a connection! Somehow her bonds and her experiences and what she believed about those experiences were all connected! Earlier, when she had focused on her family, her bonds were not as tight but now having focused on herself and her own pain, she had definitely felt the bonds tighten!
“The Sword! Use the Sword!” came the urgent whisper.
“No! NO! Leave me alone! Mommy, Mommy! Where are you, Mommy?”
The heart wrenching cries from her daughter jerked her back to the urgency of the moment.
“The Sword! The Sword!”
“Mommy, Mommy…”
“He doesn’t love you!”
A bombardment of voices clamoured for her attention.
“Oh Father God, please help me to help them, in Jesus name!” she sobbed.
From deep within her, the incorruptible living Word of God came into focus and opening her mouth, she unleashed the power of the Sword of the Spirit upon her bonds and her captors and she arose…a Mighty woman of War!!!

It's time...time to cut off anything that is stripping you of power, strength...you were created by an Almighty God, the Eternal Creator! Time to arise to save those who need you! Don't let the devil rob you of your purpose and destiny!
Be bold, be courageous! Christ lives in you...the hope of glory and at the mention of His name, the name of Jesus...every knee shall bow!
From my heart to yours,