The young man knocked on the door, he was excited but nervous.
He had worked relentlessly, had done all that he possibly could and now he had used all that he owned to purchase a priceless gift for the young woman that he loved more than life itself.
What would her reaction be? His heart beat picked up and his breathing reflected his uncertainty…
The door opened and he never recognized the man standing before him. The man, noticing the gift in his hand, said, “Come in, come in…she’s inside.”
Thanking the man, he walked through into the living room which was filled with people…none that he recognized.
Everyone was talking, laughing…there was a table with beautifully packaged gifts on it in the corner but he was determined to give her his gift personally. After all, it had the ability to change their lives forever…where was she?
He turned to walk through the rest of the house in search for her and finally he spotted her through the window…so beautiful, like a butterfly, she floated amongst the guests, laughing here, touching there…a smile, a look of concern, a hug…she was breath-taking.
He walked out into the garden, down the steps and headed straight for her.
Suddenly she noticed him and laughingly, she disengaged herself from hands that sought to keep her and made her way towards him.
He stood still, watching her, so deeply in love with her. He held out his arms and throwing her arms about his neck, she melted into his embrace.
The world seemed to disappear and slowly he disentangled himself from her embrace, took her hand and led her off to a bench under the trees. As they sat down, he looked deeply into her eyes and held out his gift to her…

Suddenly, she was whisked away by her mother.
“Come on everyone, it’s time.”
He watched helplessly as the moment he had been waiting for slipped away, replaced by a moving crowd of people, voices, instructions, music. Briefly, she looked back and smiled at him, blew him a kiss as she was carried away by the moving throng.
Slowly, he followed and stood in the background as the celebrations began. He would have to wait…
Easter…the time of the year when we celebrate with our families the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ…and yet…I’m not sure how many of us are even aware…

A gift has been extended, God’s hand outstretched…
The death of His Son to pay the price for our sin, reconciliation with God the Father on offer... but until we reach out to receive what He is offering to us, it will never be ours.
Will you come to Him...will you accept the gift He so graciously bought for you...with His own life...?
He has never stopped loving you...and is silently waiting...
From my heart to yours,
Have a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!