Isn't it amazing how you can give 10 children the same picture to colour in and each child's picture will be completely different?
Some will meticulously outline the picture first and then colour in neatly between those lines.
Others will take one colour and scribble enthusiastically across both the picture and the boundary lines.

Our lives can be like that. One will spend hours planning and another will live haphazardly for the moment. Each one will justify how they choose to live. Often, they will judge the differences in each other. Who is to say which one truly is right...?
I have come to see over the years that people have a tendency to judge another person's life through the lens of their own experiences and preferences.
The truth is though, that God has given each one of us his or her own picture to colour in. The choices that we make in our life will forever be visible to all.
Sometimes, somebody will come along and deface your picture. Suddenly the picture that you see becomes a distortion of what it was meant to be.
What do you with that? Well, you have two choices, you can either sit and mope about your picture which has forever been ruined. You will be spending your life looking backwards and allowing your future to be destroyed as well OR you can bring your picture before the Father and allow Him to redefine the lines for you.
You are not defined by other people's opinions or by your experiences. Only the Creator can define who you are and what the devil meant for bad, the Father can turn around and use for good!
Trust Him, He is the Master Artist and Story writer!