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This too shall pass!

As the sun caressed my back, I reached for another peg and attached the shirt to the washing line where it began a life of its own.

A breeze playfully lifted the edges but it remained resolute. It had just been immersed in water, twisted and turned, spun, rinsed, spun again and quite frankly, it had been abused.

After all it had been through? No, thank you…it felt heavy and limp and simply refused to dance.

That happens in life sometimes, the pressure is on! The amount of work you have to cope with, the expectations that people have of you, pulling you this way and that way. You have been immersed, drowning and sometimes just trying to keep things up to date... oh my goodness…help!

There you are desperately trying to hold onto your dignity when somebody comes along, somebody sunny and playful who demands your attention and simply wants to play. They laugh and tease and all you want to do is stand there and sulk. Slowly, you can feel the corners of your mouth betraying you…you try to resist but…

The breeze continued to tug at the shirt and as the sun warmed the very fibres of its being, it slowly began to dance… what it had been through had passed. It was clean, it was warmed, it was light, the heaviness had disappeared and it was free to dance once more.

May the Lord send you just the right amount of “sunshine” whenever you need it most. May the wind of His Spirit come and restore you, lift you up and give you the grace to dance once more.

Have a blessed week!

From my heart to yours,



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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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