Her hands were wet with perspiration as she sat there waiting.
Every time the door opened, her heart leaped into her mouth and she had difficulty breathing normally.
The sound of the clock ticking on the wall seemed to resound in her head. Why was he taking so long?

She took a deep breath to try and still her thoughts…in her head, she went over her explanation one more time. It hadn’t been her fault…she had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time…but could she convince them of that?
The door opened and she was summoned into the office.
Sitting in front of her, the Managing Director held a letter in his hand which he held out to her.
She reached forward to take it from him…here it was, the end of her dreams…
Wait…why was he smiling? “The Board has discussed and recognized your ability to lead and your work ethic has been exemplary. Thank you! Congratulations Miss Edwards! You have been promoted.”
Stunned silince…What?
How often have you worried about something that might happen only to find out that there was never a cause for concern! Three weeks later you don’t even remember what kept you up at night.
“My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice…” – Newt Scamander from J.K. Rowling’s – Fantastic beasts and where to find them.
How true! That is exactly what worrying does!
Of course, it is easier said than done…
Worry is unease or anxiety that happens when we allow our mind to dwell on difficulties or troubles. – Oxford dictionary.
So how do you tackle the beast called “worry”?
I think it’s all about what you are focussing on.
It is when we fear the worst that we begin to worry and our thought life will affect what we believe and what we believe will determine our actions…
Interestingly enough, the bible calls it a “spirit of fear”…
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind.
As I look at this scripture, I understand this one thing…when we need help from God…His guidance is never delivered with fear. Fear is not from God.
Instead He suggests quite the opposite…
Phillipians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
Do what you can, pray and leave it with God and take control of your thought life…

Have a peace-filled week!
From my heart to yours,