Oh, the rain has stopped…
The early morning light reflects off each little droplet as it resolutely clings to its temporary home.
My garden is rejoicing, each little leaf standing upright, washed and nourished and I am rejoicing right there with them!

As a child, rainy days were definitely not on my “favourite things” list. They were a dampener in more ways than one. I loved being outdoors, running, jumping, climbing and rain interfered with all my plans.
Life can be like that…you can spend hours planning all the things you want to achieve. If you’re anything like me, you have your yearly plan, your monthly plan, your weekly plan and your daily plan.
You sit back, contentedly smile, tidy up your desk and get up to activate your plans…and then out of nowhere, a curve ball smashes through the window pane of your beautifully orchestrated “vision” and leaves your plan in shattered fragments on the floor of your life.
Someone runs a red light and smashes into your car. Your geyser bursts and floods your study…there is water everywhere, your computer and all your technology are standing in water. Your beautifully designed plan has been interfered with.
Whatever it is, it is inconvenient, costly to fix and you just don’t have time for this! Roar! Grump! Groan!
“So what now?” you ask yourself as you mentally stamp your foot in frustration. It's too much effort to get up...
What do you do when it begins to rain?

Well, as a child, we would make a tent in our bedroom and ‘Voila”, life was exciting once again. Out came the comic books, colouring in books, cards and let’s not forget “The Secret Seven, the Famous Five” books that transported you into another world and suddenly we were happily ensconced in Plan B.
I love that quote…”Life is all about how you handle Plan B…it’s the true test of character.
If you look back over your life, you will notice how often Plan B actually was just what you needed.
Your test has become a testimony and you have grown in wisdom, strength and character.
This life is not free from trials and tribulations.
Take courage, you will get through this and you will be able to look back someday and say, “You know, if it wasn’t for …., I would never be where I am today. I wouldn’t have chosen this path for myself but I am grateful for what I have learned.”
As for me, I have learned, that as long as I don’t let go of the Father’s hand, I will be fine.
Have a blessed week!
From my heart to yours,