“Tis the season to be jolly, Tra-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la…” echoed merrily through the aisles as I pushed my trolley through the store.
Before long I was humming along with the tune. I simply love December.
Christmas …
As a little girl, it meant going to midnight mass in a special dress, standing gazing at the little Baby Jesus as He lay in the manger. All around Him, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and the three Wise men together with all the animals stood gazing down on the King who had been born to bring peace and goodwill to all men on the earth. It was awe inspiring and I loved it! I still do!
My family and I have a special day where we put up the Christmas tree and all our decorations, whilst we listen to and sing along with Christmas carols and drink special Christmassy drinks…

Our entire family joins us on Christmas Eve and we celebrate together.
As a fun family activity, my daughter made ginger bread houses for each person to decorate. It was so much fun and the creativity was remarkable!
Naturally, all of this was followed by a delicious sit down dinner and finally, the cherry on the top…a time of giving gifts…

Which brings me back to the top…the Gift…the true reason for Christmas. It's right there...in the name...
The Gift that God the Father sent to the earth, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Born to die, Jesus, by His death came to reconcile mankind to God the Father.
The Gift that enables us to approach the God of all creation, with confidence, knowing that Jesus paid the price for our sins with His life. Jesus agreed to submit to the righteous judgement of God and to accept the full sentence to pay for our sins. All of us…every nation, every tribe, every tongue...

Here we stand at the end of yet another year, 2019…
May we have a realistic perspective of the Gift that God has offered to us and may we reach out with all of our heart to accept what Jesus has done. The Gift of Eternal life…
Have a wonderfully blessed Christmas!
From my heart to yours,