You have no idea just how wide your mouth can open until you go to the dentist.
Here I sat, fingers, clamps, drills, sponges, suction pipes, sprays to disinfect and other cast members making frequent appearances on the stage of my mouth.
All the while, I had the privilege of being able to watch a live feed of the wonderful wild life found in South Africa.
Cameras placed strategically at a selection of water holes transmit 24/7 across the Internet. How amazing is our technology today?
I settled back to watch a family of warthogs as they drank their fill and rolled about in the mud…fascinating…
I could not help but go back to the time when I was a primary school child and we had to go to the government “school dentists”.
The lady at the desk, who looked and sounded a lot like “Roz” from “Monsters Inc.” (add to that some horns…) would peer over her glasses at you and bellow instructions that would have you scurrying to join the other petrified children waiting on the little wooden benches.
Together, we would sit there trembling and waiting, for “Roz” to bellow out our name and point in the direction of “the dentists”…
As you heard your name, you got up and slowly shuffled to the line of dental chairs.
The dentist would examine your teeth and before long out came the needle. Being as brave as you possibly could, you held your breath and tried hard not to cry.
One after another, we would all get injected and by the time he got back to you – it honestly felt as if your injection was already starting to wear off…
Without any further ado, he would drill or extract and send you on your way back to “Roz” who would tell you when to come back.
Finally, with great relief, you made your escape into the big wide world outdoors!

Back in the future…the warthogs finally moved off.
My friendly, kind dentist, smiled and together we watched as in the background four elephants made their way to the water…
The truth is though that besides the wonderful advancement of technology…the real difference is the thoughtfulness, the caring and the understanding that each one of us has an ability to create a positive environment.
May God make us aware of how others feel and give us an ability to bring love, joy and peace into every situation.
Go on...make someone smile today!
From my heart to yours,