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Who am I?

I am sitting with Tammy, my daughter – watching as she creates a creature with three faces for one of her next student films.

Not just hours but days have passed as she goes through the process of making face casts, hands deftly forming clay moulds to build the prosthetics, applying layer upon layer of liquid latex and finally the painting of these faces.

The vision of the director is finally becoming a living reality as the faces come to life. The purpose for this creature? She represents the different voices that continually compete for dominance in our lives.

The lyrics of the beautiful and poignant single “Do you know where you’re going to?” performed by Diana Ross from the album "Mahogany" echo through my mind (yes...I still have mine).

Do you know where you’re going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you?

Where are you going to?

Do you know?

The great enigma of life – who am I and why am I here?

It is a question we are faced with throughout the different stages of our lives.

As a teenager, it is the question that precedes… “What do you want to study when you have matriculated?”

You’ve finished studying, you have your degree and now you are faced with making a decision about which job opportunity you should pursue…and there it is again…

You get married and have children and suddenly the question lies buried under the responsibility of life. You are a mother or a father and all that matters is providing a home, raising responsible children that will make a difference in our world and before you know it, you are hearing the question being echoed through the soul of your children.

My daughter is grown up now and has her own life.

There it is once again…I find myself asking – “Who am I and why am I here?”

Over the years, I have experienced so much diversity in my life and one thing I have learned – the question always remains relevant because I am an evolving being and God, who created me, is a limitless Creator.

May the excitement of unravelling the mystery that is you fill you with an anticipation that will never fade.

As for me, I am embracing with joy the next part of life because God is a good God and an excellent Father.

The full understanding of my journey will only end the day that I leave this planet for our true home.

From my heart to yours,



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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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