The Fall.
Verb: Move from a higher to a lower level rapidly and without control
Synonyms: Drop, plummet, descend, plunge, sink, dive…
Hurrying to get where he had to be, he pushed his way through the crowds of people.

Irritated at the slower moving traffic, he never noticed the uneven ground and suddenly he was falling. With an almighty thud, he hit the ground and in a fleeting moment of time everything he had planned for that day was about to change…
Tom tried to get up but excruciating pain in his wrist and ankle announced loudly that all was not well…
Out of that same crowd of people, who had just caused him such frustration, a number of people came alongside Tom to see if they could help.
One of them, a paramedic, examined Tom’s hand and removing his scarf, he bound up Tom’s hand. Another was calling for a vehicle to be brought round so that they could take him to a nearby hospital.
In the midst of his pain and helplessness, Tom relinquished control to a number of strangers.
The fall had taken him from a level of myopic pursuit and had brought him crashing down in the midst of a compassionate society.
There are times in life when we become so focused on our plans and our goals that we don’t keep our eye on the bigger picture. We get irritated at everyone who stands in our way of progress and we do not recognize their individuality, their value or their dreams. We have lost touch with our humanity and the touchstones of our success or status have become the only true companions in our life.
However, somewhere along the way, the fall will come, and the resultant pain will bring us back to the reality that we need one another. There are people who have been strategically placed in your life for a reason. Some of them are there to teach and you can learn from their lives. Some are there to help you in those moments when you are at your weakest. Some are there because they are going to need you…
Stop…stand still…look around you…
May you have the ability to discern the value of each one that God brings your way…who knows when you might need them?
From my heart to yours,