I’m sitting here enjoying the warm atmosphere in the Woolworths Coffee Shop in Bassonia while Tammy is working on her blog.
The sign on the wall directly in front of me reads “100% organic and locally roasted.”

100% Organic…such an important phrase in our society today.
It makes me think about us as a people…how many of us are actually ‘organic’ today? How true are we to the wonderful person that God created us to be?
For many of us, we don’t truly know who we really are anymore.
The media has such an ability to influence us and our thinking.
I knew a young lady who had the most fabulous personality. She was very slightly overweight – not even noticeable to the rest of us, but clearly an issue for her. She started to diet and lose weight and became so obsessed with her looks that her whole personality changed. Gone was the wonderfully ‘organic’ person she was and as her friends we mourned the loss of who she really was. So sad…
The truth is that she was completely unique and God planned for her to be here on this earth, at this time and for a specific reason. We needed her joyful spirit and now she was gone…lost in a sea of insecurity and unreachable.
In Psalm 139 we read that God, the master designer wrote your story in His book. In His intricately designed plan He placed specific people in your circle of influence and they have need of you…”organic you!”
Don’t let anything or anybody rob you of the beauty that is you…if you do…we all lose in the end.