The early morning light dances lightly across my garden, first highlighting the Inca lilies, then the Irises, the Azaleas, the roses…slowly and gently, the sunlight creeps across a veritable bouquet of flowers that God has given me to enjoy. New life!
Don’t you just love spring! It is a time of promise. Hope and enthusiasm come alive once more…it’s a new beginning.

New beginnings, a brand new start…whether it be a new job, a new relationship, a new baby, a new home…always causes hope to arise.
In 1983, at a church meeting that I attended, the preacher asked the following question…”is there anybody here tonight, that would like a brand new start with God?”
How many of us have been in a situation where we wished with all of our hearts that we could have another chance, a fresh start. At home, at work, in a relationship…oh, if I could only have… then…
I was 27 years old and divorced, raised in the Catholic faith and never before had I heard those words…a brand new start with God?
Yes! Yes! Yes… my heart cried out at the mere possibility of a new beginning…like…for the very first time?
My hand shot up immediately. No doubt about that – I wanted it with every fibre of my being.

That question, that day, that event, changed my life forever.
I learned that, in spite of my past, God loved me unconditionally and rather than being angry at me for the sin in my life, He wasn’t standing in judgement of me nor had He written me off as a lost cause.
This new start was made possible by Jesus – Jesus who agreed to take the punishment for my sin – Jesus, who paid with His life, whose blood was the legal requirement to cleanse you and I of all sin.
This wonderful loving Saviour, paid the price and died – not for Christians only – He died for every single person who has ever existed and will ever exist!
No matter who you are or how you have been raised…He died for you SO THAT you can be reconciled to God!
This gift He offers to each and every one of us. He loves you. Go on, reach out and receive it. It's just a prayer away...