Respect: n & v. n. Deferential esteem felt or shown towards a person or quality.
v. Regard with deference, esteem or honour.
How many times have you heard the phrase, " respect is earned..." ?
I have always thought it to be a true statement but in recent times I have come to realize that "respect is also learned...".
As a child, we were taught that "children should be seen and not heard" and with that came the command to "go outside and play."
Quite frankly, we didn't want to be stuck with the adults anyway so it was always a welcome escape. Outside we were free to live and play in wonderful imaginary worlds.

We were taught to respect our elders.
You listened to what they had to say and back chatting was rewarded with some form of discipline.
Any form of arrogance was dealt with smartly.
We never had much and we learned to appreciate what we had. We were required to do chores around the house for no reward but it taught us to be disciplined people who looked after what they had.

Today, I am grateful for what I was taught by my parents. I appreciate, respect and look after my home, my family, my friends, colleagues and every person that God brings into my circle of influence.
Looking at what is happening in our society today, I have to ask the following questions - As parents, in our quest to give our children more than we had - did we do our children an injustice by giving them everything their hearts desired? Should we not have rewarded a disciplined life rather than being moved with guilt? Did we discipline enough? Did we spend so much time trying to build up their self-esteem that they have become arrogant and that they have very little compassion or respect for others?
My concern is that we are giving our children the impression that self-confidence and a dream is all that they need for them to succeed.
Have our children learned that there is always a cost, a price to pay for true success in any area of life? All success is built on the foundation of hard work and discipline, not pride and arrogance. If we do not put in the effort of building a strong foundation, the "house" will fall when trouble comes.
Respect your children enough to help them build the strong foundations that will support their life...