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O Lord, can we dare to dream?

"Mommy, that's what I want...

I want to be loved like that. To be loved in such a way that he would die for me!"

This impassioned plea from my 14 year old daughter (at the time) echoed within the empty chambers of my soul.

As the last notes of the beautiful and haunting melody from "Titanic" continued in the background, Tammy and I stared at the movie credits rolling by, our minds not registering the endless list of names.

We were back there, on the ship with Jack Dawson and Rose, scenes still playing across our hungry hearts...

Unconditional, true love.

What is it that makes every girl, regardless of age, yearn for the beauty of a passionate and sweet romance, an unconditional love that will last a lifetime?

Secondly, why do so few find it?

The longing in Tammy's voice made me want to protect her.

Fervently and quietly, I prayed, "Father God, please stop my daughter from falling in love with the 'counterfeit'. Let her find the one true love You have designed and planned for her. Please don't let her heart be broken as mine has been, in Jesus name".

I wanted to believe that the dream could be reality, but daily the shards of my own shattered dreams painfully pierced my soul and the gnawing emptiness within was a constant reminder that many, many, many do not seem to find it.

The question that begs to be answered is, "Is there really that one great romance for each person Lord - should we continue to believe?"

I do believe that the answer is YES....

My mother had two such loves - my father, who truly loved her all the days of his life and Herry who came into her life 2 years after my father's death. Both men loved her passionately and unconditionally until they died.

My mother-in-law and father-in-law had the same testimony. They started courting at the age of 14 and remained in love for the rest of their lives.

They all experienced their share of challenges and difficulties but their love remained unaffected by them.

Why? Firstly, they married for life. No options, for life.

Secondly, they learned the difference between romantic feelings, which do fade, and true unconditional love. They learned to live for one another and for their families. Every decision was taken in light of how it would affect the family. Self was put last in the equation.

Often, I hear the statement, "we're not getting married...what difference does a piece of paper make?"

My reply to them would be..."marriage is NOT the reason for failed relationships...uncommitted people and selfishness are the reason for failed relationships".

My question would be..."How much do you value having this person in your life and what price would you be prepared to pay for true love?"

You see, love is not a is a 'doing'...even when it is not deserved. It is most often found on the other side of great sacrifice.

May we return to the selfless love displayed by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who modeled what true love looks like.

As for my daughter, she found her soul mate. Like two pieces of a puzzle, they fit together perfectly.


From my heart to yours!


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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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