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Legacy: n.(pl.-ies) 1. A gift left in a will. 2. Something handed down by a predecessor.

Standing behind the pulpit, my niece, Tiffany, spoke eloquently about her grandmother and my mother. Her words painted a picture for all to see the value that one life can have on future generations.

My wonderful mom, at the age of 90, had stepped off this world's stage and entered into Eternity with the Lord. There is comfort in knowing that but we will miss her physical presence very much.

It is at a time like this, that reflection becomes a companion as we daily recall moments that we have shared with our loved ones.

My mom, the story teller, had spent years sharing with each one of us, the story of her life.

The stories of her abandonment and years spent in an orphanage were followed by her years in a Japanese concentration camp in Indonesia.

As the Second World War ended, a dashing young soldier from the Netherlands stepped into her life and they fell hopelessly in love. So began a love story that never ended.

My mom and dad will never be forgotten because their life story has been woven into the very fabric of our lives.

Their characters and natures, their principles, their morals, their faith, lives on in us - it is their legacy to us.

Every day, you and I have the privilege of influencing other peoples' lives. It's time to stop and reflect on our own lives...and then to ask...

What legacy am I leaving behind in my circle of influence?

As I write the story of my life, how is each chapter affecting those that God has brought my way?

Will knowing me be a positive chapter in their lives?

May the Lord help us to see the opportunities to walk in love, the God encounters He has prepared beforehand and may His wonderful Holy Spirit grace us with the power to be a blessing to all we come into contact with.

Live, laugh and love often!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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