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Value - Priceless

She stood on the street corner, short skirt, a bustier top revealing the product that she was selling...heavily made up...just waiting. A painted but abandoned building. Unloved and unwanted.

My heart broke...

Somewhere, once upon a time, a young mommy stood over a bassinet, smiling, reaching for those little fingers. "Astounding! How absolutely perfect. Thank You Father God for this precious little girl." She allowed her imagination to wander, what possibilities lay before this little blessing that God had given her?

Now, here I stood, wondering...what could possible have gone wrong? Where was her Mom? Did she know what her daughter was caught up in? How does something like this happen?

Society will look upon her and judge her, condemn her, shun her...she is an outcast...but to the Lord Jesus Christ, she is beautiful, she has much value that He was prepared to die for her, pay for her sins so that she could be forgiven and be reconciled to her heavenly Father.

I stepped forward out of the shadows and walked toward her praying, "Father, please help me, heal her broken heart Lord and restore value to her, in Jesus name I pray."

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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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