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I put the book down and I knew that something had been stirred within my awakening of sorts that connected to some very deep-seated feelings and expectations that I have always had.

I can remember, as a child, watching movies and being absolutely angry at the 'baddies'. I would shout at them and tell them that they deserved to be punished and that God would get them!

Fortunately for my parents, we used to go to the drive-in movie theaters then so my passionate rebukes were not an embarrassment to them.

I have always had an expectation that men and women would do the right thing. That they would be bold and courageous to stand up and fight for what is right. Heroes! I love the heroes!

I am sure that I am not alone in saying that I long for those days to return when the distinction between right and wrong was clear and the desire to do what was right was a deep intrinsic value, a principle in the hearts of most men and women.

The book that I had been reading was such a story...doing what was right, no matter how inconvenient it was and even when there was a risk of incurring personal serious injury.

Called "Priceless", it is a novel by Joel and Luke Smallbone, their first written work together with Nancy Rue and it deals with human trafficking and the fact that every person has infinite value and is worthy of love and respect. These two brothers are members of the band, "For King and Country".

The two brothers started the "Priceless Movement" which has been a part of the band from the beginning and deals with restoring an understanding in all women of their self worth and encouraging men to respect and honor women.

The book was followed by a release of the movie "Priceless".

I am so impressed that these two young men have taken up this cause. May they greatly impact the men of this generation, stirring up righteousness and courage and unlocking the heroic hearts that God has placed within all men.

Rise up! Swords up! A hurting world is waiting for true heroes to come to their rescue! Generations of women and children who have been degraded, forced into human trafficking need you!

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About Me

Hi! My name is Sylvia Colville.

I'm a  daughter, a sister, a proud Mom, a grateful friend, an evangelist and a dreamer. I am passionate about helping  women and girls discover the beauty that is within them.


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